The filtration of activated carbon filter elements is mainly used to remove pollutants from water, decolorize, filter and purify liquids and gases based on the adsorption characteristics of activated carbon. It is also used for air purification treatment, waste gas recovery (such as the recovery of gas benzene in the chemical industry), and the recovery and extraction of precious metals (such as the absorption of gold).

Activated carbon is mainly made from materials with high carbon content, such as wood, coal, fruit shells, bones, petroleum residues, etc. Coconut shell is the most commonly used raw material, and under the same conditions, the active quality and special characteristics of coconut shell activity are the best, because it has the largest specific surface area.
Activated carbon is a multi pore carbonized material with extremely rich pore structure and excellent adsorption characteristics. Its adsorption is formed through physical and chemical adsorption forces, and its appearance is black in color. In addition to the main carbon, it also contains a small amount of hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, and its structure appears as a hexagonal shape. Due to the irregular hexagonal structure, it has been determined that it has a large body and high surface area. Each gram of activated carbon has a specific surface area equivalent to 1000 square meters.
The activated carbon filter cartridge is a truly deep structure with dual functions of filtration and purification, with a nominal filtration accuracy of 10 microns. apply
There is no need to add filter aids or filter after carbon treatment. Each activated carbon filter contains 160 grams of plant sulfur free activated carbon particles. use
In the purification of electroplating solution, the filter element will not precipitate fibers or other substances, resulting in pinholes or brittleness in the coating. Compressive strength: 0.4Mps
Operating temperature: 52 “C
Activated carbon filter cartridges are suitable for process water use in sectors such as semiconductors, electronic devices, printed circuit boards, electroplating industry, food and beverage industry, etc
Purification of solution.
Applicable to the following industries:
-Electronics and power industries: pure water, gas, electrolyte, printing wire plates, etc.
2、 Chemical and petrochemical industries: solvents, coatings, magnetic slurries, detergents, liquid waxes, etc.
3、 Pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industry: hospital water, pharmaceutical injections, Chinese herbal medicine, etc.
4、 Food industry: food, beverages, drinking water, alcoholic beverages, etc.

Post time: Sep-27-2023