The selection of filter elements generally requires determining their length, inner diameter, outer diameter, connection method, sealing form, and compatibility with the filtering medium. In addition, it is also necessary to understand its parameters such as accuracy, flow rate, and pollutant capacity; After confirming that these parameters are correct, the quality of the filter element is ensured. Finally, choose the appropriate quantity for better use.


The nominal accuracy is supplemented by the retention rate, and there is no standard recognized and followed by the industry. That is to say, the same 5um product
Company A can set the retention rate at 85-95%, while Company B can set it at 50-70%; In other words, the filtering accuracy of Company A’s 25um is equal to
Company B’s 5um is even finer. Even though both types of filters have the same filtration capacity of 95% for 5um particles, their filtration function
However, there are considerable differences, so a better solution is to try it out. Kangbaijie can use its own experience to assist customers in making filter cartridges
Selection work.

Post time: Sep-27-2023