1. Daily use

The filter system in operation needs to check the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet frequently. When the pressure difference reaches 0.05-0.1Mpa, the filter bag should be replaced in time to avoid excessive pressure difference, which may cause the filter bag to rupture and the support net to be damaged.

2. Correctly open the filter cover after filtration

Warning: Do not open the cover when there is pressure in the bag filter, otherwise the remaining liquid may spray out, causing liquid loss and personal injury.

Therefore, please strictly follow the following order:

1. Close the input valve; when there is pressure at the outlet, close the output valve.

2. After confirming that the pipe connected to the exhaust valve has been connected to a safe place or the suction port (especially when filtering toxic and corrosive liquids), open the exhaust valve to prevent the liquid from causing harm and pollution to the staff and the surrounding environment.

3. Check the pressure gauge to confirm that the internal pressure is 0. At this time, the bag filter should be separated from the pipeline system.

4. If there is a drain valve, confirm that the drain liquid is connected to the recycling point and open the drain valve; wait until the remaining liquid in the bag filter flows out through the drain valve and close the drain valve. This discharge work can be completed with the pressurization method (please refer to the pressurization discharge process).

5. Unscrew the upper cover cap and lift the upper cover. The multi-bag filter needs to be turned to a certain angle.

III. Replace the filter bag

1. The high-efficiency filter bag is made of fine fibers, and these materials have weak hydrophilicity. The surface of the fiber will not be wetted by water, so like other filter elements using the same material, it must be wetted with other liquids with lower surface tension before use. Before installation, you must immerse the filter bag in a pre-wetting liquid that matches the filtered liquid for a few minutes.

2. Open the upper cover of the bag filter.

3. Put the upper cover firmly and carefully remove the filter bag.

4. Put in a new filter bag, please refer to the installation process.

4. Monitor the filtration quality

When the liquid input pressure is stable, the filtration quality is closely related to the pressure difference in the filter bag. If the pressure difference is too large, it means that the filter aperture of the filter bag has been blocked and the filtration speed has decreased. Therefore, we recommend that after the bag filter starts working, the pressure difference should be checked regularly, and the time to replace the filter bag should be determined by the pressure difference displayed by the front and rear pressure gauges. Generally, the filter bag can withstand a pressure of about 0.5-1Kg/cm2 (0.05-0.1Mpa). When the pressure difference reaches this range, the filter bag should be replaced in time. To avoid the filter bag from breaking and affecting the filtration effect. If the pressure difference drops suddenly, stop filtering immediately and check for leakage.

5. Pressurized discharge of residual liquid

When filtering high-viscosity liquids, compressed air can be introduced through the exhaust valve to accelerate the discharge of residual liquid and shorten the waiting time. Please note: the air used for pressurized discharge must be stable, and the pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the filter.

The operation steps are as follows:

1. Close the input valve.

2. Open the air inlet valve.

3. Introduce gas into the bag filter and pressurize to drain the remaining liquid.

4. Check the outlet pressure gauge to confirm that the gauge pressure is equal to the compressed air pressure; confirm that no liquid flows out of the outlet.

5. Close the air inlet valve.

6. Slowly open the exhaust valve; if there is residual liquid spraying out of the outlet of the exhaust valve, it must be led to a safe place or the suction port of the filter.

7. After the compressed air is exhausted, close the exhaust valve. At this time, there should be no pressure inside the filter and the cover can be opened.

6. Cleaning the bag filter

If the bag filter continues to filter the same liquid, it does not need to be cleaned. However, if it filters other types of liquids, it needs to be cleaned before use.

7. Maintenance and replacement of O-type sealing ring

Maintenance: When using, the O-type sealing ring should be aligned with the O-type groove to avoid improper extrusion that causes the O-type sealing ring to deform; when not filtering, the O-type sealing ring must be taken out and wiped clean, otherwise the residual liquid will solidify and adhere to its surface, resulting in hardening and poor sealing.

Replacement: If the O-ring is aged or damaged, please replace it in time. When replacing, choose the O-ring of the same model.

Post time: May-23-2024